Daily Meditation

How to be Rich How to be Strong

By Dr.Kim / 02/10/2011 / Comments Off on How to be Rich How to be Strong

To Understand others is to be knowledgeable; To understand yourself is to be wise. To conquer others is to have strength; To conquer yourself is to be strong. To know when you have enough is to be rich. To go forward with strength is to have ambition. To not lose your place is to last…

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How You Deal with Being Sick

By Dr.Kim / 02/08/2011 / Comments Off on How You Deal with Being Sick

So glad, finally I am writing about the way of being sick, or how you feel still O.K. even when you are sick housebound or bedbound. Since My mother has been ill for years, now at a nursing home, can’t walk, wheelchaired, with hemodialysis three times a week, hypertension, so fragile, I started thinking about…

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Zen From the Little Kid’s Book

By Dr.Kim / 11/02/2010 / Comments Off on Zen From the Little Kid’s Book

The other night, my 5 year-old son brought his new book “Zen shorts” written by Jon J Muth to me for reading, And the word “zen” just caught my attention, hmmm, Zen for kids? With the beautiful watercolor images, while I was reading it for my two kids, I have found this also really good…

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The Wisdom of Prajanaparamita Heart Sutra

By Dr.Kim / 08/26/2010 / Comments Off on The Wisdom of Prajanaparamita Heart Sutra

The Childhood Memory of The Heart of the Prajnaparamita Anyone who grew up in the Buddhist culture or family remembers this sutra, When I was little boy, my mother and grandmother took me to the Buddhist temple in the mountain for the special occasions; the birthday of Buddha or the commemorative day of the ancestors,…

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How Laughter Helps Your Health and Mood

By Dr.Kim / 08/18/2010 / Comments Off on How Laughter Helps Your Health and Mood

One day, I visited the other doctor’s office, urologist with my collegue, In doctor’s office, everyone seemed to look so serious, no laughter heard, no smiley face seen and so quiet, I was sitting there about 10 minutes and couldn’t stay any longer, luckily we took up soon, asking my MD collegue “why are they…

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Love Yourself and Love All

By Dr.Kim / 08/05/2010 / Comments Off on Love Yourself and Love All

“I am larger and better than I thought. I did not know I held so much goodness.” Walt Whitman Where are you right now? What do you do right now? Are you happy? or angry? Before going back home, today, I’d like to share this meditation with the mantras: May I be filled with lovingkindness.…

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What is Thought?

By Dr.Kim / 07/22/2010 / Comments Off on What is Thought?

Contemplation of Thought From Siksasamuccaya Translated from the Sanskrit by Edward Conze He searches all around for his thought. But what thought? It is either passionate, or hateful, or confused. What about the past, future, or present? What is past that is extinct, what is future that has not yet arrived, and the present has…

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Jack Kornfield Sitting Meditation

By Dr.Kim / 07/01/2010 / Comments Off on Jack Kornfield Sitting Meditation

One of the leading Buddhist Teachers in America, Jack Kornfield introduces “Sitting Meditation.” This is for everyone who wants to live less emotional tide and more peace and joy. I wish You enjoy and find more balance whatever arise from this chaotic and at times stressful modern world. Sitting Meditation-Let Your Mind Settle Like A…

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Stressed Out? Try This

By Dr.Kim / 02/28/2009 / Comments Off on Stressed Out? Try This

Today, I’d like to present Dr. Andrew Weil’s article of Qigong. How this renowned Western doctor sees this ancient chinese exercise in the light of Western medicine. This 3,000-year-old discipline from China has been called the hottest trend in stress relief by the Wall Street Journal, but qigong (pronounced chee gung) isn’t just a relaxation…

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