How long is the right acupuncture treatment time

How long is the right acupuncture treatment time? Are there really the univeral fixed time for acupuncture treatment to be effective, regardless of what symptoms and how old, male or female and so on? If not, how long should be that, what is the scientific or theoretical background behind it? Since I, myself have some different needle retention…

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Carpal Tunnel and Trigeminal Neuralgia with Acupuncture

Treatment of Neurological Disorders with Acupuncture A neurological disorder refers to a problem with the nervous system, which is a complex, sophisticated system that regulates and coordinates the body’s activities. Nerve pain can arise from trauma, inflammation, stroke, disease, infection, nerve degeneration, exposure to toxic chemicals, and nutrient deficiencies. Nerve pain is usually a sharp…

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Acupuncture for Mental & Emotional Wellness

Mental and Emotional Wellness with Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine At some point in life everyone deals with major upheavals or emotional distress. These events can trigger a host of unexpected feelings and behaviors from depression and panic attacks to major disruptions in sleep and eating. Acupuncture and Eastern medicine can alleviate symptoms associated with mental…

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Food and Herbs That Make Your Skin Healthy and Glow

Food and Herbs make your skin healthy and glow Vitamin A: Acting as an antioxidant to neutralize harmful elements in our skin, vitamin A helps to prevent wrinkles, resist infection and maintain the skin’s elasticity. One of the best places to get vitamin A is from vegetables that are deep orange in color, such as carrots…

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The Surprising Thing to Get Rid of Pain

Angie, a 35-year-old woman recently moved from New Mexico, has been having lower back pain for about 6 months, which usually happens in the morning when she gets up. She wasn’t really athletic and didn’t really like working out in the gym. She was more of a yoga type with a thin and long structure.…

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How to Improve Sleep and Chronic Fatigue

. INSOMNIA IS THE ROOT OF MANY CHRONIC DISORDERS Insomnia is the root of many chronic disorders Millions of people who suffer from insomnia look for quick fixes instead of exploring the root causes of the problem. Sleep deprivation is the root of many health issues like memory impairment, a weakened immune system and stress…

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Acute Back Pain Case From Weight Lifting in Acupuncture

Pain control and sports injury case Katie is an avid cross fit woman, she loves intense training. One day, she was having weight lift over the shoulder and felt something wrong on the back, and that evening her back started hurting and couldn’t really sleep. When I see her, the pain level was like 7-8.…

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Can Acupuncture Successfully Treat Skin Hives?

Treating Hives with Acupuncture and herbal medicine in East Asian Medicine Hives (urticaria) are swollen and red, bumps, patches or welts on the skin that appear suddenly. Itching is the most common symptom associated with hives, although some people report that hives cause a stinging or burning sensation. Hives can occur anywhere on the body…

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Aging in Acupuncture and Asian Medicine

Topics: Aging Well with Acupuncture and Asian Medicine, Six Easy Tips for Greater Health and Longevity, Health Boosting Foods Aging Well with Acupuncture and Asian Medicine Asian medicine has a long history of healing and rejuvenation that teaches us a great deal about aging well. Two thousand years ago, ancient Chinese scholars described the stages…

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Women’s Health with Acupuncture in East Asian Medicine

Manage Your Reproductive Health with Acupuncture East Asian medicine has a long history when it comes to enhancing reproductive health and fertility for both men and women. In fact, evidence that acupuncture and herbal medicine have been used to aid fertility can be found in early medical literature dating back to 3 AD. Statistics state…

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