The Wisdom of Prajanaparamita Heart Sutra

The Childhood Memory of The Heart of the Prajnaparamita Anyone who grew up in the Buddhist culture or family remembers this sutra, When I was little boy, my mother and grandmother took me to the Buddhist temple in the mountain for the special occasions; the birthday of Buddha or the commemorative day of the ancestors,…

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Let thy Food be thy Medicine-Food Matters

A friend of mine recently mentioned about this documentary on his facebook and instantly I clicked the trailer and later watched the whole film. I have 2 kids, and especially the second one, a girl now 20 months, had some skin issues, Atopic dermatitis therefore we have been very cautious about food and we always…

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Is This in Your Ice Cream?

This morning I was so struck by a article by John Robbins – “Is Your Favorite Ice Cream Made With Monsanto’s Artificial Hormones?” Yes, I don’t drink milk, however once in a while I love to have the ice cream, Haagen Daz, and I even shared with my little son and daughter; My favorite was…

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How Laughter Helps Your Health and Mood

One day, I visited the other doctor’s office, urologist with my collegue, In doctor’s office, everyone seemed to look so serious, no laughter heard, no smiley face seen and so quiet, I was sitting there about 10 minutes and couldn’t stay any longer, luckily we took up soon, asking my MD collegue “why are they…

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Acupuncture and Eye Health

  Acupuncture and Eye Health – Dr.Kim’s Newsletter August 2010 Your eyes are a reflection of your overall health. Illnesses such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease can be revealed in the eyes. Conditions such as glaucoma, optic neuritis or vision loss are often associated with systemic health problems. It is this interconnection between your eyes…

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Love Yourself and Love All

“I am larger and better than I thought. I did not know I held so much goodness.” Walt Whitman Where are you right now? What do you do right now? Are you happy? or angry? Before going back home, today, I’d like to share this meditation with the mantras: May I be filled with lovingkindness.…

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