A person is holding onto some needles on the table

Your Path to Holistic Healing

At TAO OF MEDICINE, they prioritize well-being through holistic healing methods, offering transformative relief for chronic pain. Acupuncture treatments address various pain sources, whether from bad posture, injury, inflammation, or specific conditions like migraines or menstrual cramps. Acupuncture stimulates the body to release steroids and endorphins, providing effective pain relief and fostering healing.

A Personalized Approach to Pain Management

Tailoring treatments to each unique body type, TAO OF MEDICINE ensures a personalized approach to pain management. Alongside acupuncture, they prescribe herbal supplements aimed at enhancing circulation, reducing inflammation, and alleviating pain. Pain management specialties cover:

A woman laying down with cupping cups on her back.

Women’s Health

In their Santa Monica office, TAO OF MEDICINE offers alternative treatments for a variety of women’s health concerns. Common issues include:

  • Hyper/Hypothyroidism (Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis)

  • PMS: Lower Back Pain, Abdominal Cramping, Mood Swing, Fatigue

  • Irregular Menstruation

  • Infertility With/Without IVF or IUI

  • Pregnancy Acupuncture: During Pregnancy From Preventing Miscarriage to Treating Lower Back, Pelvic Pain, Morning Sickness, Breach Presentation

  • Breech Presentation, Acupuncture Induction

  • Menopausal Syndrome: Hot Flash, Night Sweating Fatigue, Weight Gain

  • PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)

  • Endometriosis

  • Postnatal Care: Weight Loss, Water Retention, Fatigue, C-Section Recovery

How TCM Helps

Pregnancy acupuncture services cover a range of needs during pregnancy, from preventing miscarriage to addressing lower back pain, pelvic pain, morning sickness, and breech presentation. The practitioners also specialize in breach presentation acupuncture induction. Other women’s health concerns addressed include menopausal syndrome, characterized by hot flashes, night sweating, fatigue, and weight gain, as well as PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), endometriosis, and postnatal care, encompassing weight loss, water retention, fatigue, and C-section recovery.

TAO OF MEDICINE draws on the rich tradition of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acknowledging its history of treating women’s conditions for thousands of years. The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon, Huangdi Neijing, written around 200 BC, laid the foundation by explaining female anatomy, physiology, diagnosis, and treatment of menstrual symptoms and pregnancy-related illnesses. Ancient Chinese physicians recognized the unique aspects of women’s bodies and diseases, emphasizing the vital role of women’s health in the stable growth of a strong country.

While contemporary TCM doctors adapt their approach to women’s health, integrating insights from Western medicine, acupuncture, and herbal formulas, there remain phenomena unexplainable by modern scientific and medical perspectives. The practitioners at TAO OF MEDICINE hope that ongoing studies and research will scientifically validate these aspects in the near future. Women's health issues such as fertility, PCOS, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, menopausal symptoms, irregular periods, abnormal bleeding, and other menstruation-related concerns continue to be effectively addressed with a blend of ancient wisdom and modern medical knowledge.

A woman is getting her belly button brushed

Specialized Fertility and Pregnancy Acupuncture

TAO OF MEDICINE offers specialized fertility and pregnancy acupuncture services. If individuals are currently undergoing IVF or HRT, these treatments can complement their existing plans, helping with conception and preventing miscarriage. Sessions are scheduled based on symptoms, conditions, or the IVF calendar.

Anti-Aging & Cosmetic Acupuncture

Discover the benefits of cosmetic acupuncture for facial rejuvenation, a practice rooted in ancient wisdom. Addressing issues like hormonal imbalances, hyperpigmentation, and scarring, their treatments naturally enhance blood circulation, improve muscle tone, and increase collagen production. Aging gracefully is possible without invasive procedures.

A person is getting acupuncture on his leg.
A person is getting their back waxed with acupuncture.

Benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture

  • Increases the production of collagen and elastin

  • Improves muscle tone (preventing further aging and wrinkles)

  • Improves local lymph and blood circulation

  • Softens and erases fine lines and wrinkles

  • Reduces the depth of deeper lines

  • Decreases bags (puffiness) under the eyes

  • Reduces or eliminates acne and rosacea

  • Provides a consistently smoother and brighter appearance on the face

How Many Visits Are Needed?

The recommended facial treatment consists of 5-10 sessions in TAO OF MEDICINE's Santa Monica office, with one or two treatments per week for optimal results. Visible improvements typically occur after 3-4 sessions.

A woman with her hands on the side of her face.

Explore the intricate anatomy and evolution of the human neck. The neck, connecting the head and shoulders, played a major role in the evolution of the human brain, providing freedom of movement. Modern lifestyles, often spent in activities like driving and working on computers, contribute to frequent and chronic neck pain.

Neck Pain Treatment Options in Santa Monica

Discover various pain relief solutions and treatment options for neck pain, including:

The holistic approach addresses root problems to prevent further injuries and worsening.

A woman in white shirt holding her back with red dot

Understand the common issues associated with the rotator cuff, comprising muscles and tendons that facilitate shoulder movement and stability. From tendinitis to tears, TAO OF MEDICINE offers treatments such as electric acupuncture, manual therapy, and radiofrequency therapy.

A person is holding their hands on the back of another person.

Frozen Shoulder

Learn about frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) and its causes. Treatment options, including acupuncture, manual therapy, and exercise, aim to alleviate pain and stiffness, enhancing shoulder mobility.

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Delve into the complexities of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS), a condition involving nerve and vessel compression in the lower neck and upper chest. Treatments, including acupuncture, manual therapy, and herbal medicine, offer holistic solutions for pain relief.

Trust TAO OF MEDICINE for personalized care that seamlessly blends ancient wisdom with modern healing practices. Schedule a consultation today and embark on the journey to holistic wellness.

A person sitting in the sand on top of a beach.