Does Milk Make You phlegmy?

Waiting my order for breakfast this morning, the title on the screen – Does milk make you phlegmy?-caught my eyes, since I just ask my wife to cut the amount of milk and the dairy product for our 4 year old son- showing some seasonal allergy reaction, sneezing, stuffy nose, and phlegmy in the throat.

April 12, 2010, 2:52 pm

Does Milk Make You Phlegmy?

In an article last year about health myths, I wrote about research showing that drinking milk does not increase nasal secretions, cough or congestion.

But readers like this one named Diggs disagreed:

I don’t believe that milk makes me phlegmy because I read it somewhere. I believe that milk makes me phlegmy because every time I drink milk I get phlegmy.

Now, Anahad O’Connor offers additional information in his latest “Really?” column. He writes:

A new report suggests a possible explanation: only a small group of people are susceptible. The theory is described in Medical Hypotheses, a journal devoted to publishing bold and sometimes radical biomedical theories.

I’ve had some seasonal allergy since 5 or 6 years old and stopped drinking milk awhile ago and my allergy symptoms got alot better. I feel more like when you have phlegmy in the throat, drinking milk increase it.